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Dmitry Stropalov
95 articles

Sd.Kfz.232 (Tamiya 1/48)

March 22, 2014 · in Armor · · 9 · 1.7K

There is not so much to say about this model. Kit is easy to assemble and it was a really pleasure to work on it after short run kits. I wanted to try some of the weathering techniques - different filter colors, oils, pigments, etc. It's not so easy with German gray, but it's interesting.

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9 responses

  1. Excellent Dmitry, very well done. I would offer two suggestions, not criticisms, I would have used more flat coat to tone down the gloss of the oils, and used a lighter background for the photos. You did such a great job keeping your weathering subtle, it's hard, for my old eyes anyway, to see your work against the blue.

    • Yes, you are right, Rick - there was something strange with the finish varnish layer. I've used Vallejo matt varnish but it's not so flat as I expected. Also, I've added a one of the test shots with the white background - is it better?

      • I haven't tried Vallejo yet, I have so much Polly Scale and Model Master it's hard to switch to a new line of paints. I looked at the white back ground an it's better but not much. I'm by no means even an amateur photographer. I process the photos I post with Picasa3 on my PC. On dark subjects I use the "fill light" option in the editing menu to brighten up picture, most times it works, other times I have take a new picture and start over. I hate having to be smarter than the software, it get updated more often than I'd

  2. Nice job, Dmitry...and yes, the pic with the white background shows your workmanship in a "better light", as it were.

  3. A good looking build there Dmitry, as above the white background shows it off a lot better.
    Never the less, well done sir.

  4. Nice clean build.

  5. Good looking model, Dmitry, I guess that a blue background suits some models more than others...

  6. awesome work

  7. Dmitry,
    Very nicely done. Great work.

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