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Darko Simic
1 article

ICM Panther ausf. D 1:35 scale

April 15, 2014 · in Armor · · 11 · 3.1K

ICM offering of an early , removed plastic handles and made new ones from wire. Also some DIY engine mesh covers, otherwise built from the box.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. A great model & great photography. Weathering is not overdone, just right.

  2. What Al overall job well done indeed

  3. That is one beautiful Cat , great job all around . What did you use for the screens on the engine deck ?

  4. Darko,
    Very nicely done. I agree, the weathering looks great.

  5. I especially like the photo of the rear deck. The mesh works well and the chipping and rusting around panel edges and engine acces look great.

  6. Excellent - love the Panther.

  7. Thanks for the comments 🙂 The idea was to do a subtle weathering because most of the ausf. D were lost very soon, so they did not have time to geat too beaten and weathered.
    The mesh was made using the plastic mesh bag of some cosmetic product.

  8. Nice one, really great camo & weathering!

  9. Great Panther, and i like the way you have photographed it,
    A very dark and menacing Look to it
    Fantastic build Darko,

  10. Great build there Darko.
    A Panther on the prowl.

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