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George Louis Creed
23 articles

Some more "fun" with Armor !!! Stug III

April 4, 2014 · in Armor · · 9 · 1.6K

Here is a Stug III "Smart Kit" with a Dragon Loading tank crew. Both are out of the box, and I just added a little bit of chain and that's about it. Like everything else I have been doing, painted with Acrylics and weathered with Winsor and Newton Oils. Perhaps a little Tamiya pastel as well !
Enjoy, cause I did !

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9 responses

  1. Well done. I need to start using some figures with mine. Makes a difference.

  2. pretty work george

  3. 35th scale, George...? ...and Al's right about figures, but mine suck!

  4. Nice one George, I was with Craig, I couldn't decide what scale it was either till I saw your reply.
    The crew really set it off for me, because they're doing something as routine as loading ammo, instead of staring fiercely of stage left.

  5. really nice job there George...Great job all around.

  6. Neat build George, sometimes figures add to a finished project.
    Well done sir.

  7. George,
    Great job.

  8. Really neat job, George, and as everyone else has said, the figures do bring it to life.

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