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Lamborghini Aventador 1/24

May 17, 2014 · in Automotive · · 11 · 3.3K

My last building...i love this supercar...i can see 2 last year, the sound of engine is @%*µ GREAT !
kit is really excellent with photo etched parts and masks...I choose to build one i've seen last year.

see you soon

Last pic show my first car building

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3  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. I agree. This is an impressive car. Your build brings it to life.

  2. ohw...that's pretty

  3. Nice motor! They are impressive machines. In my opinion Lambo's are one of the few cars that look better in loud colours! Is that a Mclaren it is parked next to?

  4. Way to go, Olivier, I think a Zonda would be good as well, but Lamborghini is now owned by Audi... I must try a Fujimi kit sometime, they do some cool looking motorbikes.

  5. Nice looking build. There were a few in town, but less one lately. Some rich kid blasted the wall at the local road course and damned near killed himself during a track day. Double unlucky, as his insurance company declined to participate.

  6. Olivier,
    Great job. Looks fast just sitting there.

  7. Beautiful. ... I've had my eye on that kit. Maybe I'll pull the trigger now.

    One of my favorite supercars.

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