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Hans Peter Tschanz
94 articles

Spitfire VB, 315 Squadron PAF

May 8, 2014 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.7K

P/O F.Kornicki, September 1941
Kit: 1:32

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Very nice Spitfire. Who's paint did you use?

  2. Beautiful Spit, Hans...nice photos.

  3. Nicely done Hanspeter.
    A very nice looking Spitfire.

  4. Outstanding! Love me a Spitfire, especially in the Dk. Green Dk. Earth scheme. A very clean build Hans.

  5. Very nice Spitfire, Hans.

  6. Love it mate. Nice job.

  7. Not a criticism, since I am sure the kit instructions and the decal instructions never mentioned this, but on 15 August 1941, the RAF went over from the Dark Green/Dark Earth/Sky camouflage to Dark Green/Ocean Grey/Sea Grey Medium camouflage paints. Many of the DG/DE airplanes were field painted in a mixture of Night Black and White, which varied wildly in shade of grey from unit to unit till they started getting factory-painted replacements.

    Not to worry though, Robert Taylor got this wrong in his Eagle Squadron painting, which has them in October 1941 in the earlier scheme. 🙂

    HTH for those doing Spitfires.

    Nice work on the model, Hans Peter.

  8. perfecto! love it, Them Spitfires so pretty yet so deadly
    Great Build Hans

  9. Another very nice build, Hans Peter. Thanks for sharing.

  10. that's a masterclass masterpiece

  11. The spitfire is one of my favorite planes. Yours looks great!

  12. Hans Peter,
    I love it. The Spitfire to me, is like the Corsair. I have never seen one that I did not like. Yours is outstanding.

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