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neil foster
92 articles

D-Day group build, Airspeed Horsa assault glider

June 5, 2014 · in Uncategorized · · 29 · 2.9K

June 6th 1944 - D-Day. What many of us , me included, may not of known was that the allied airbourne assault force in the form of 6, 28 man gliders took of from their base in the south of England at 22:56 hrs on the 5th June, the exact time I have posted my finished build.The first glider landed right on schedule and very close to Pegassus bridge at 00:16 on June 6th and then, well we all know what happened after that...One can only imagine the courage of those young men as they sat and waited for the tow line to tighten and there glider to jump into life, knowing that they were going into the lions den all alone.

My diorama shows one of the gliders narrowly missing part of the defensive line known as Rommels Asparagus designed to destroy gliders on landing ,this only my second attempt at a Diorama but will not be my last as it added a whole new aspect to the build and was lots of fun to do .

Let me just take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken part in this the first iModeller group build,I hope you had fun , I for one am interested in doing another but what will be the subject?, some other major military conflict perhaps,how about Sci Fi or "What if's" if you want to do this crazy rollercoaster ride again give it some thought and post your ideas.

Your pal Neil.

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29 responses

  1. Interesting idea and great execution!

  2. That is really bringing the story home Neil. Was the landing gear unloaded from the kit or did you do that?

    Are we posting here or in Headlines" or both? I don't think I'll make it with my Typhoon tomorrow, especially in I do a panel line wash but I should be close. Seems like I've spent more time correcting problems than moving forward.

    Really have enjoyed this & feel like I have learned something new from everyone involved.

    I'd like to do another so maybe we should start a new group just for suggestions & let Martin pick one then go from there.

    • Hi Al,the landing gear is moulded that way, I suppose if you wanted to pose the Horsa landed you would have to scratch build the gear straighter. I like your suggestion about a subject for the next one.Glad you enjoyed the G/B.

  3. Great idea, Neil, both the model and group build, especially as I've read that this will be the final annual recognition of D Day because the veterans' association is disbanding. It's right that yours should be the first posting, and you have certainly brought the story home as Al said above.

    As for future group builds, WW1 is an obvious one, although the timing needs some thought Also, a few of us have expressed interest in building a Le Mans 24 hour sportscar...

  4. Neil, that is way cool! You did a great job honoring the vanguard of the invasion force.

    As a new group subject, how about military airplanes that were converted or modified for use in civilian service (any era)?

  5. Let the 70th Anniversary celebration begin! Thak you Neil for the grand opening. Let's hope to see many D-Day models at iModeler today.

  6. The opening shot, and appropriate with the Horsa gliders to start the invasion behind enemy lines. Pretty dramatic affect Neil, nicely done.



  8. Great idea, and a beautiful job, Neil. You can almost feel them bracing for impact !

    And, thanks for all the effort you've put in on the group build. You've managed to keep us all focused, and interested, for months Well done.

  9. Bloody Hell Mate your dio is bang on the money i like the way you have got the glider on its final approach and just missing the obstacles Lady Luck Was With That one
    Great Diorama Mate

  10. An appropriate "opening" for the D-Day extravaganza, Neil...nicely done.

  11. fantastic project

  12. Neil,
    I have followed you WIP on this model and I am in awe with what you have done with it. A beautiful build.
    My undying respect for all of the Commandos that landed in these on D-Day. The courage they exemplified in outstanding. You have done a great job in bringing this tribute of D-Day to iModeler.
    My compliments to you.

  13. Great idea Neil! The story of Pegasus Bridge is really important and interesting but not known as well as the beaches. Nice tribute!

  14. Great idea and nice job!

    Best regards, Vlad.

  15. Superb Neil - love the dio, and the way you've posed the Horsa coming into land. Great work there 🙂

  16. Great dio Neil,nice to see it finished.
    You did a fantastic job in setting up this build and keeping us informed as well.
    Take a bow sir.

  17. Looks great, and a fascinating subject of one of the best and most accurate military landings in history. Inspires me to tackle a diorama!

  18. Great dio Neil - really gives a sense of motion as that big glider comes in to land. Very well done!

  19. Great diorama Neil, dramatic pose, attention to the little things eg showing the landing gear hanging as it would in flight. Great lead post by the group leader

  20. Looks great! I can't imagine having to land in a field full of those things! You know, as if the logs weren't bad enough, you get some barbed wire as a bonus if you hit one! Do any Horsas still exist in museums? I only know of one Waco CG-4 complete in Texas and several partials.

  21. Thanks for your comments Josh, there is at least one Horsa in a U.K. museum ,not sure where though.

    • The one you are talking about Neil is in the Museum of Arm Flying in Hampshire. The Assault Glider Trust is building a replica from original components found around various sites in Europe.

  22. Nice clean build set up in an excellent diorama.

  23. Looks great mate and an interesting subject. What about doing a Mad Max sort of post apocalyptic type build? Sports bikes with guns and spikes on them and stuff, that sort of daft carry on.

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