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John Healy
162 articles

1/48 AMT P-40F

July 17, 2014 · in Aviation · · 13 · 1.9K

This is my humble contribution to the fest. I like these P-40s and think they look really good as long as you close the canopies. I added drop tank shackles from a Hasegawa kit because I wanted to show the clean lines of the Merlin powered P-40 and the kit shackles were hopeless on their own. I painted this one with a Humbrol mix for the desert pink over olive drab on top and used ModelMaster neutral gray underneath. Decals were sourced from the kit and the decal dungeon to replicate an a/c in an old Osprey book about USAAF fighters in the Med.

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2  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Very very nice, i really like the unique look and subtle paint job. Well done, sir!

  2. Nice looking P-40 John.

  3. Can't get enuf of those AMT P-40's, Rick, and you did-up a beauty.

  4. John,
    Very very nice. I like the pink scheme.

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