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Jack Mugan
64 articles

One more time…. the Mauve 48th scale P-40N

July 9, 2014 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.4K

The third time is a charm. I could not pass up the opportunity to do a in a natural metal finish either.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Three Cheers! - You da man! You even got the number on the tail! Wow!

    Great Work!

  2. I like this one, Jack...good job.

  3. ohhhh yeaaaaah

  4. Looks good. Like the varied panels.

  5. Seems like whatever you touch turns out well Jack.
    Nice work.

  6. Hi Jack a very nice P-40 love the NMF effect


  7. Jack, as Bill said outstanding NMF, beautiful P-40

  8. Another one of my favorites, Jack. Beautiful work, as usual..

  9. Nice on, Jack. Ditto the above.

  10. Jack,
    Finally getting around to catching up on comments. This is gorgeous and I whole hardily agreed with Al.

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