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Joe Caputo
154 articles

Testors Weird-ohs "Hodad Making The Scene"

July 25, 2014 · in Uncategorized · · 14 · 2K

"Lookin' good is OK, but can he ride the tall wave? All the chatter comes easy, but the surf's for the brave", or so the box art says...

Our 13 year old grand daughter, Kim, is visiting from Texas. With a model club meeting coming up, my wife Carol asked her if she'd like to give model building a try. The two of them went at it steadily for a few days, with Kim doing most the heavy lifting, while Carol supervised. They were about 90% done before they asked my opinion. I managed to stretch their work a little further, teaching Kim about drybrushing, etc. She picked it up quickly, leaving me to watch. I really think the two of them enjoyed the experience, and I, along with our other club members, really appreciated the result. A fine job for a "first timer". Too bad her stay is almost over, but there are more "Weird ohs" in the stash, and even an aircraft or two, for her next visit.

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14 responses

  1. Oh, I thought it was a selfie till I read the text. She done good but I still think she used you as her model.
    Nice work Kim. Keep it up when you get back to Texas.

  2. That`s really cool Joe.
    I see it runs in the family then.

  3. Super cool as we say in LA ! The start of another long modeling involvement as well !

  4. wish I could get one of my nephews interested. He admitted he did not like military aircraft- more his mom's rules I expect, but even then he does not seem interested in asking my advice (although I have yet to see any built kits!)- can't force a connection- makes me sad. Congrats to you in getting a young lady interested in models.

    • Dan, all the credit goes to Grandma, my wife, Carol, who is also a modeler. Carol's been at it over 5 years, has a stash 1/2 the size of mine, and just as many tools/paints/etc. She just encouraged Kim to share her enjoyment.

      Have your nephews shown interest in any of your models, or in modeling? If not, perhaps you could try something different just to kick things off. In our case, I think the cartoon-like caricature caught her fancy. Ease of build, at first, was nice for everyone, with a nice result. As long as they're happy !

    • Hey Dan, if the young'n is interested in military hardware why not try him on something else ,Sci-fi ,bikes/cars etc.
      Cheers N.

  5. Dude! That's so far out man. Really mellow.
    Well done Kim, I hope you've caught the model building bug..:-)

  6. Joe, you are definitely the inspiration for Kim's work! Next time give her a car kit to work on, the Beach Boy really needs some wheels.

  7. I enjoyed seeing that at last nights meeting and it deserves to be shared here on imodeler. Don't look now Joe….I see some competition coming within the family.

  8. Thanks guys. Kim's been following the posts, and between them and actually seeing her model's picture on the site, has got her beaming. Would it be that simple with all today's youth...

  9. Nice pics Joe,I just got home after a loooong nightshift and they cheered me right up'Thanks pal N.

  10. Very cool, weren't these originally put out by Hawk in the 60s? I loved the Rat Fink kits as well when I was a kid.

    • "Rat Fink" was Ed Roth's creation. The Weird-ohs were a spin off by Hawk in the 60's, reissued by Testors in the early 90's. Glad you enjoyed it.

  11. Joe,
    I commend you and Carol for guiding Kim. Passing the interest in modeling and developing young skills is one thing we all should do. Mentoring young modelers and having them exceed one's own skills is a true reward.

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