The Testors Database at iModeler

46 articles
  • Items tagged with Testors
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  • Last addition 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Testors model kits

Testors YF-23

In 1981, the US Air Force initiated the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program to seek a next-generation fighter to replace the F-15 and better compete with the Russian SU-27 and MiG-29. Requirements included low observability, short [...]

Laird's "Solution" Thompson Trophy Racer

Three weeks before the 1930 Thompson Trophy race, held in Chicago, Lee Shoenhair of the Goodrich Co. placed an order with the E.M. Laird Airplane company for a racer based on their Speedwing designs of commercial aircraft and featuring the [...]

Lockheed T-33A

This aircraft is not my usual choice for a build. However, I built it is because it was for a club competition - "Build a B@#%@#%". The name of the competition comes from the fact that everyone has to build an old and difficult [...]

The Spirit

This one I did quite a while ago but I thought I might share it with you. It is the 1/72 Northrop B-2 Spirit made by Testors. This kit is quite a thing. It took me almost a year to get it done with some others to step out of it and step [...]

My Vintage Testors Builds

Here's my Testors builds from about 2010. I've always had a thing for Ryan PT-22s and ST3KRs, having flown several in the '60s and '70s. I could never find a PT-22 kit, so I went with the Testors PT-20 kits and modified one to a PT-20A [...]

Testors 1/48 SR-71 Blackbird

Known to pilots with many nicknames ("Sled", "Habu", "SR", "Lady in Black" and, of course, "Blackbird"), with performance that in many aspects still remains unsurpassed today, the SR-71 [...]

Spitfirepalooza Meets Ancient Hawk Kit

Here’s the other half (I posted the Bf- 109 earlier) of the duo kit from Round 2 ne Lindbergh ne Hawk Models repop of the Spitfire Mk. 22. Lots of rivets, no landing gear or cockpit detail and lots of memories of my uncle and I making [...]

Ryan PT-20 1/48 Testors

The Ryan STs were a series of two seat, low-wing monoplane aircraft built in the United States by the Ryan Aeronautical Company. They were used as sport aircraft, as well as trainers by flying schools and the militaries of several [...]

Italeri (Hawk) 1/48 F-5A

Small and highly aerodynamic, focusing on performance and a low cost of maintenance, smaller and simpler than its contemporaries, it is not surprising that the F-5 is quite a few times referred as “the F-16 f its time”. Designed for a [...]

9 – Testors OV-10A Bronco

I found one of my favourite airplanes and in 48th scale there aren't many options on it. A really fun kit but very little detail so had to create my own, mostly in the cockpit, I added ejector levers, wiring, fuselage ribbing, some boxes, [...]