Almost scratch-built armored car
This was built on the 1/16 scale Mercedes two seat race car. Not a prototype but my rendition of some of the early armored cars. Most of these were a one off built at the local boiler maker shop. I used the chassis and the rest is sheet plastic
My first post here. I see lots of familiar names here. I look forward to some fun.
California Steve
By request I have added a couple of extra photos.
I know you have many more well-built kits to "show off" to some 'new faces', Steve, so I assume we'll be seeing more of your stuff in the future. Welcome aboard!
Thanks Craig, This looks like a great place to share and meet some new folks. I like what I have seen. Very nice builds and articles.
A well-presented and finely detialed model of an unusual subject.
Thank you Rob. I am still learning my way around this website so I might have posted this twice. I am glad you liked my modeling madness!
California Steve
Very nice Steve, dare I say it has just a dash of "steampunk" in there somewhere. Which is a good thing
Yes Steampunk is a good thing. I am glad you like.
It wouldn't be that hard to push it to a full Punk! I would just have to add a few external hoses and piping do dads and a flying bridge on top with a boat steering wheel and a canopy. Hummmm.
Nice! Puts me in mind of the Monogram kit - Rommel's Hot Rod - the one crewed by skeletons, weird and wonderful
You know Gregor I have never built that Kit. It is on the list.
I am glad you got a kick.
Good rendering of the armored cars that played a big part in early WWI.
Welcome & enjoy yourself. Not too late to get in the current Group build. Look forward to seeing more.
Thanks Al. This category is a fun Google search. There was some really bizarre designs.
Very impressive. Who makes the 1/16 Mercedes that supplied the chassis?
It's the Lindbergh kit. I had to make some spare tires.
Why so few photos? Great armored car!
Maxim, I am still getting use to the website. Can I add a photo here? or do go back and edit from my original post.
This is a open question to readers just in case Maxim is working late today. Thanks!
Yep you can edit the post - just select add images
Hello Steve, and welcome onboard. That's a great start with such an imaginative entry, I like it a lot!
You can always change your article by selecting the read "Edit Article" button across the top of this page (visible only to you) and then uploading more images or changing text. There are no time limitations etc. - it is your writing and model and you have the freedom to make the best of it
As long as you feel new to iModeler, there are some simple tutorials in the help section to get you going, recommended.
Welcome aboard my fellow Californian, and your start with a blast of a model. Very impressive, can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. Again welcome to Imodeler
Thank you Chuck, I do have quite a collection of eclectic and highly modified models I look forward to sharing. My modeling friends say "why can't you just leave things alone"!
Thank you for your kind words.
CA Steve,
I am working my way through the posts I miss and I come to this after I have seen some of your other posts. I am truly impressed with your skills and what you do with them. This is outstanding.
Well there you are Frank. And I thank you again for your nice comments. I just had to goof with this kit. I am a junkie for the older soft sided armored cars. If you Google them there are so many different prototypes. And most of them were one offs in the beginning. There was even one propelled by a aircraft engine with a open blade in the rear. There are a lot of fun options. This one was kind of a generic build.
Thanks again,
California Steve