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TuAF F-100C

August 18, 2014 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2K

TuAF F-100C has landed. You can see the building process from Work in progress section.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

14 responses

  1. Tolga, yet another master piece.
    Like the exhaust staining.
    Well done mate.

  2. Expertly finished as usual, sir...well done indeed.

  3. Nice build Tolga…..especially the heat treatment.

  4. Was watching your progress in the WIP section & had no doubt we would see one of your excellent finished products.
    You didn't let us down.

  5. I've been watching your WIP on this, Tolga, and now the finished model is here, it looks great, as we all knew it would!

  6. That heat treatment of the metal in the afterburner section is really realistic. Not too many have achieved such a superb effect.

  7. Thanks, expanded version will be posted here soon, after photography terminated.

  8. Great model, Tolga. Especially the impression of the afterburner section and the design of the different shades of the camouflage colours ... masterly skill!

  9. Nice to see a model airplane Turkish aviation .Even me interested in this topic but I was a bit references available and decals.
    I recently bought a set of TIGER decalov decals for the Spitfire, Fw-190, P-40th.
    Now I'm looking for a good reference for the Fw-190A for guns in the wings (engine) in the root

  10. Nice to see a model airplane Turkish aviation .Even me interested in this topic but I was a bit references available and decals.
    I recently bought a set of TIGER decal...decals for the Spitfire, Fw-190, P-40th.
    Now I'm looking for a good reference for the Fw-190A for guns in the wings (machineguns) in the root

  11. Really nice Tolga.

  12. Another first class build, Tolga. Great weathering; really looks like the plane has worked hard.

  13. Nicely rendered, Tolga, and in a scale where we can appreciate the detailing.

  14. Toga,
    Very nicely done.

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