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Bf-109 G14/As.3 Green of 11./JG300.

September 14, 2014 · in Aviation · · 25 · 3.7K

Hello to all

Before anything else, I shall want to apologize for my level of English.

Here is my very first message on Imodeler, as well as my very first article about a model. I have never had the opportunity to present an assembly on which site whether it is.

I said to myself that it was time to take the plonge and submit one πŸ˜‰

Do not hesitate to make me share yours notices and your wise advice. I am here to progress.

It is a question of the Me 109 G14 in . It is here in the colors of the JG300, piloted by Willy Trabert at the end of 1944. Feel Free to ask if you have any question...

See you soon for others models.



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7  Awesome

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25 responses

  1. Welcome Emmanuel, Thank you for posting your very beautiful model.
    I look forward to more of your projects. You will enjoy this website. The people here are very nice and very talented.
    Great job on the ME109.
    California Steve

  2. Nice build to start with Emmanuel.
    You find us lot a friendly bunch.
    Well done sir.

  3. Very nice detailing in this scale. For reference, I think the Me designation was restricted to the -262 and -163, so that the 109 had a Bf prefix.

    Nice model.

  4. Welcome on board. An outstanding build. Keep them coming!

  5. Welcome aboard! You have found the perfect place to show your talents. That is a great looking Messerschmitt, the paint job is great.

  6. Buenos Dias, Emmanuel. It doesn't appear to me that you need any help with your English OR your model-building. However, there are those of here that DO need help with both...:(
    As others have said, this a great modeling site and everyone is welcome, no matter their level of modeling talents OR their English. πŸ™‚

  7. Looks great to me - beautiful paintjob. Please share more when you can - it's a very nice job.

  8. Thank you so much for all your comments. I really feel in confidence with this site. I spent the last 6 months to read and discover your amazing models and feedbacks each others. We have some forums in France too, but not so friendly πŸ˜‰
    I willl post some others jobs

  9. Nice work, Emmanuel, and welcome to the asylum.

  10. Wonderful model, Emmanuel. I particularly like the wear at the wing roots.

  11. I believe the quality of your models will speak for themselves even though I don't fault your English at all.
    Welcome to iModeler.

  12. The "Bf"/"Me" controversy about the 109 will never go away. Officially it's a "Bf-109," but Adolf Galland, Walter Krupinski and Gunther Rall all called it a "Me-109" when I spoke to them at the 1984 AFAA convention. Other ex-Luftwaffe friends say it was called the "Hundert-Neun". Most RLM documents call it the "Me-109," as did everyone who fought against it. The whole thing started in 1958 when William Green published "Famous Fighters of the Second World War, Vol.1" and called in a "Bf-109." The facts are either way is fine, unless you're in the Modeling OCD crowd.

    Beautiful model Emmanuel - looks great!

    • I always thought it had something to do with the place of manufacture...kinda like the TBF/TBM thing.

    • I understood that the German government wouldn't allow W. Messerschmitt to use the more personal "Me" prefix until late war with the production of rocket aircraft, and, as Craig refers, the Bf prefix was a manufacturing reference.

      Whichever, still a good model!

  13. Welcome to iModeler, Emmanual, your first posting is terrific, a really good looking model and well photographed. I'm sure you will enjoy this site, it's very easy to use and everybody's very friendly and helpful.

  14. It doesn't matter what language you write in when you can do models like that! Very nice.

  15. Welcome to iModeler Emmanuel. I think you will find the people on this site enjoy building models and sharing that enjoyment with others. Your 109 is excellent, the painting and weathering are first rate and I hope to see more of your builds soon.

  16. Emmanuel, your 109 is very nicely done indeed! Welcome aboard-looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  17. Hi Emmanuel, welcome ! Your 109 is great, very well done. decent weathering
    love the chipping.
    Enjoy iModeler πŸ™‚

  18. very nice, very nice indeed! especially the weathering - it looks great!

  19. Emmanuel ,
    I'm late with my compliments to you on your very fine 109. I add my welcome to this site. Modelers from all over the globe as contributors and friends . Excellent work

  20. I like that 109 very much!

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