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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 Tamiya Blue Nose Bodney Diorama

October 18, 2014 · in Uncategorized · · 13 · 1.3K
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1  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Nice kits Brian ! i/4 ?

  2. Looks very nice in 1/48. Adds life to the scene / diorama. Well done.

  3. When I first looked I thought it was the same kit in different lighting. Anyway, I like clean look. I went to an airshow in September and there was a display of vintage, restored vehicles as well. The car here was on show as a post-D-day Canadian version and really looked smart.

    Good work.

  4. Nicely done there Brian. A nice diorama in the making.
    Simplistic but effective.

  5. Great work Brian. If you used the kit decals you did an excellent job. I can't see a trace if the carrier anywhere. Always helps to have something in a more known size to put the other in perspective.

  6. Nice work, Brian.

  7. Great looking models Brian. I will be looking forward to more posts.
    Very cool,
    California Steve

  8. very nice brian

  9. Nice looking models and scene, Brian, but couldn't you tell us a bit more about them?

    • George the decals are from Bombshell decals of Lt. Richard of the 352nd FG , Thunderbolt and care are from tamiya. P-47 is painted with tamiya colors . Staff car painted with Model Master paints. The PSP was made by eduard . You can probably find them on Ebay .

      Cheers Brian

  10. Excellent Brian, you did a wonderful job on the finish. I'm with Al, if the markings are the kit decals, I'd pay money to know how you did that 🙂
    BTW what brand of PSP are you using for the base, and is it a single piece.

    • Rick the decals are from Bombshell decals of Lt. Richard of the 352nd FG , Thunderbolt and care are from tamiya. P-47 is painted with tamiya colors . Staff car painted with Model Master paints. The PSP was made by eduard . You can probably find them on Ebay .

      Cheers Brian

  11. Brian,
    Great build.

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