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John Healy
165 articles

1/48 Sea Vixen FAW.2

October 15, 2014 · in Aviation · · 31 · 3.1K

This is my just completed . I started it about a year ago, but put it aside because I didn't like the weak pylon attachments that Airfix provides. I really didn't want to screw this one up. Some CA and accelerator helped me over that hump, and I finished it today.
This kit really is something special. I never thought we'd see Vixen of this quality. I've loved this plane ever since my dad gave me a Frog Sea Vixen way back in the early '70s.

Aside from the pylon issue, the Airfix Vixen just about falls together, and everything lines up spot on. That's an achievement for a twin boom model.
I used seats from Quickboost and the radar operator's "coal hole" canopy is from Alley Cat. While researching this plane I learned that these canopies were painted black on the inside by operational units because the radar light was very weak and difficult to see during the day. I scratch built FOD covers for the main intakes because I didn't want to deal with seams inside. I replaced the kit's pitot tubes with modified sewing needles.
I finished it with Tamiya lacquer Pure White, straight from the spray bomb (over white primer) underneath. The Extra Dark Sea Grey on top is airbrushed Xtracolor. The decals all snuggled down well with just a touch of MicroSol on the big "red X" decals on the plane's back. I sealed it all together with a shot of Humbrol satin clear.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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31 responses

  1. Thats a nice looking jet - your review and photos make me want to get one!

  2. It's beautiful, John, I'm so glad you persevered with the pylons. Why do naval aircraft always look so nice, is it just the colour schemes?

  3. You achieved a great finish on this aircraft John.
    Really accents the lines of the plane.

  4. Impressive! Very attractive aircraft and the added seat adds a lot to the cockpit.

  5. John, that is one beautiful build ! It deserves the top spot on the site today ! Thank you !

  6. Hi John, what a great looking kit, well done. This big twin boomed jet is easily the center of a collection. Now, i want a Sea Vixen !

  7. very very nice

  8. Good-lookin' build, John...nicely finished. I like it!

  9. John, you've done a superb job on this Your cockpits look perfect; the new seats are a very worthwhile addition too. Excellent all round!

  10. Nice job, John. I did one of these when they first came out (four years ago?), and l also used the Alley Cat conversion for the faired area adjacent the coal hole. I agree it is a good kit and one of Airfix's better offerings in their 'new and improved' range. Not sure which verson you've done (can't see the underside); the one I did had the 'flower power' symbol under the boom brace, an image mysteriously painted on the aircraft the night before it left its carrier for a new posting.

  11. The Sea Vixen is my all time favourite FAA fighter. John you have motivated me to get mine out of the stash. Want to pose her with my Lightning, Javelin and Hunter. Problem is I still have to build them! : ) Awesome job on this one!

  12. The Sea Vixen is a Vampire on Steroids. I broke down and bought this kit when it first came out and it sits to the left of me at the bench patiently waiting until my skill sets can catch up with the kit.

    John your interpretation of the Vixen is inspiring to say the least and is a goal of mine. I really like the satin finish, the bigger the model the harder to get that consistency from the airbrush for long periods of time. Two thumbs up on this cold warrior.

  13. Nice John, a Sea Vixen well presented and photo`ed.
    Well done sir.

  14. A belated well done John.

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