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Ralph Clements
43 articles

Group Build. JU-87B Stuka, Italeri 1/48

October 30, 2014 · in Aviation · · 17 · 2.8K

For my first time in a 'group build' I chose the Italeri 1/48 Ju-87B . It is also my first German aircraft, which I am generally challenged by since many of them have such complex paint schemes, and I am a 'hair brush & rattle can' guy, not an air brusher. But this one's scheme seemed doable. I also chose it to help complete my dive bomber collection, it fits well with the Dauntless and Val kits I built earlier this year. I find the whole concept of a dive bomber to be one heck of a idea...what nerve it must have taken to do that!
The color scheme and decals are one of 4 options the kit offers: "3/Stg2, France 1940" so that is it's credentials for the group build.
The colors are Model Master Green Drab over SAC Bomber Green, thinned well and brushed on, then a black wash was applied over them with gray pastel chalk whisked on top of that. The underside is 'German Aircraft Gray', mixed with blue, thinned and brushed on and had the washes applied as well.
I didn't know what I was getting into with this one, so i allowed plenty of time, starting it at the beginning of September. I see a lot of models posted here that pretty well astound me - this is maybe not that good, but possible the best yet for me. I have been eager to share it here, and well if you are reading this, it's Oct. 31 in my time zone, so I don't think I am jumping the gun!

Please excuse me for posting so many photos, they came out good too I think.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Wow, Ralph, it more than lives up to its promise in your WIP thread, it looks great, and, you're right, the photographs really set it off a treat.

  2. I like this one very much Ralph! Well done!

  3. Now that's a Stuka. Just a great job Ralph. You have a keen eye on the coloring. Thanks for the nice photos also.
    California Steve

  4. I've built the Revell kit which was a re boxing of maybe a Hasagawa kit, but this looks equally as well detailed. A great looking model, Ralph.

  5. Well done Ralph, ya dun good.

  6. Hi Ralph. Don't sell yourself short mate. Yours is a fabulous Stuka; all the more so because of the fine brushwork & obvious care you have taken. Top marks!

  7. Great Stuka Ralph! Looking sharp, well done 🙂

  8. thanks, EVERYBODY!

    I also think of all aircraft, the Stuka is a most appropriate one to post on Halloween.

    Happy trick-or-treating.

  9. Tremendous Stuka Ralph. I can hear those dive sirens now. You have managed to give it that well used look without being overdone.

    • Al, and for anyone else contemplating doing this Italeri kit...
      ...the kit came with the option to put on the little 2-blade propellers that drove the sirens and go on the little nubs sticking out from the landing gear legs. I opted not to because I read somewhere that by the summer of 1940, the sirens had mostly been removed because they increased the drag on the already slow Stukas.
      Thanks for the compliment. By the time I was done, it was a 'well used' kit alright...

  10. Great Stuka Ralph, excellent paint, decals & weathering, super job.

  11. Nicely finished and photographed, Ralph...some good work there.

  12. Great work there Ralph, nicely weathered too.
    Great pics as well.
    Well done mate.

  13. Everyone else said it all great job Ralph

  14. That is fantastic Ralph! It looks real. The cockpit is amazing.

  15. Nice one,love it. 🙂

  16. thank you to all who've paid such nice compliments since Friday...Especially Richard for the one about the cockpit. There is nothing in there that didn't come with the kit, except paint and glue.

    Nice remarks like these provide encouragement...or "egg me on" ...depending on who you ask!

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