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George Williams
96 articles

Big aircraft carrier

December 11, 2014 · in Photo Collections · · 12 · 1.7K

I've just got back from a 10 day break in south west (close to the Vietnam border)I I live in north east China. While in the seaside city of Beihai we went to the maritime museum and found this model. My apologies for the photos, but it was dark in the building and I had no flash on my camera. Unfortunately there was no information about the model, and our guide either knew nothing, or wasn't going to tell me! You can tell by the pictures just how big it is. I'm guessing that the main hull is made out of cement, but the flight deck appeared to be wood. I know little about aircraft, but I'm supposing the models are 1/48 scale and maybe Trumpeter kits. I'm sure you guys will be able to tell me. Hope you find this interesting. Thanks for looking, George.

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12 responses

  1. Jeez...that IS big. Those a/c gotta be at least 48th scale (if not 32nd). Wonder if that's supposed to represent an actual boat? The British are the only ones I know of (except maybe the Russians), that have a sloped flight deck for launching airplanes. And the photos aren't THAT bad - 🙂

  2. Wow, what a concept! Thanks for sharing George.
    I bet it took several of those little bottles of paint to do that.

  3. I wonder if it's that Russian carrier the Chinese bought and refurbished. I think the aircraft are not in the same scale as the ship, they appear to be to small. Even a Nimitz class carrier's flight deck is crowded and it's 4.5 acres.
    On the other hand I might be completely wrong, it does happen.. 😉
    At any rate, thanks for post this George, and I think the pictures are fine

  4. The carrier seems to be all concrete from the visible texture. Cheap enough material, and relatively easy to shape. Wonder if it's reinforced or pre-stressed? A big lump will crack in time.
    Nice looking models. Kits nice s well!

  5. I'm surprised you are able to move about this freely. Don't know if I'd want to be taking photo's of ships of any type.
    Does sound like you enjoyed your holiday. Don't suppose there were any hobby shops along the way.

  6. Big model, or exceptionally small lady? Hmmm,...

  7. Hello,

    I think it's a way overscale model of the PLAN Liaoning CV-16, the old Russian Varyag. I've built the 1/350 Trumpeter Kiev and my planes weren't that tiny. But I love the concept of a concrete model, something for my back yard!

  8. As said above, the aircraft are out of scale ( or the ship). But its a nice place.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Years ago i found an article about a modeller in the german Jet&Prop magazine, who did the U.S.S Enterprise CVN-65 in 1/48 , for his airgroup.

  9. looks like your quite the ladies man George...thanks' for sharing

  10. If the model aircraft are 1:48 scale the carrier must be the scale size of Hong Kong. They built cement ships in WWI so I guess a cement carrier is not beyond the realm of possibility...

  11. I don't know of any commercially available 1/48th Kamov helicopters, like the one "on deck".

    I'm not as up on modern aircraft as previously, are those navalized Flankers?

    Stone ships are nothing new to the Chinese, the last Manchu empress had marble ones in her palace garden, supposedly instead of spending the money on the real thing.

    In this case, casting something in plastic or resin or fibreglass probably lost out to getting it done quick.

    I always admired the old 1/48th carrier in the Smithsonian, ex-Navy Department, done in the late 30s with an air group of F3Fs and SBC-3s. The planes were carved wood, and well done.

    Next to it was a 1/144 modern carrier, with air group. I haven't been there in a while, maybe Enterprise.

    Mike: I always liked the idea the Brits had in WW II, the temporary carrier made of Pycrete, a mix of ice and sawdust. Use 'til the Spring thaw sets in, and if damaged by enemy action, just patch with some of the mixture.

    Mountbatten was interested.

  12. Nice find George, I think I will pass on placing it on our mantle piece.
    Nice pics mate.

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