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Tom Bebout
143 articles

1/48 AMT A-20C Havoc/Boston III

January 23, 2015 · in Aviation · · 17 · 3.4K

My second , the first was a G model and it was so bad my grandson took it home where it shortly crashed on takeoff. I used the long range aux tank on this one as I assumed it was needed to get them to the MTO. Had some issues with silvering with the kit decals, scratched the canopy and it has enough weight in it to cause arm strain. Discovered Terry Dean weights afterwards. Used Model Master and Tamiya paints, True Detail wheels, and the antenna wire is nylon thread. It's a decent three foot model. Now on to the P-70.

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3  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. A fine-looking build, keep this one on the ground. 🙂

  2. If I might make a suggestion with your painting. Thin the paint more - 40-50% thinner is good. Then you can tighten down the airbrush and get less overspray and a more defined line between the colors. You have the basics mastered as regards preshading and all, so if you deal with the details, everything will be much improved in the final look. You're on the right path to creating the kind of models you obviously want.

  3. Well done Tom! These desert Bostons were the workhorses of the desert campaign in North Africa in RAF, USAAF and SAAF service. Your paint finish reflects that nicely!

  4. Nice Boston, Tom. Aircraft in desert camo looks always good.
    Like the clean appearance of your build. Well done

  5. Nicely done sir, the desert colours camo shows off well.
    Well done sir.

  6. I like the camo Tom - it's much better than a 3-footer for sure. Definitely don't donate this one to the grandkids! What was the issue with the kit decals - were the old, thick? the silvering may still be salvageable - have you tried pricking the offending areas with a pin or tip of an Xacto, then applying some decal solution or even Pledge/Klear? that usually takes care of it for me.

    • They were old. Tried the above for some success but there was lots of it. After several hours my attitude became "it's good enough."

      • "That's good enough."
        That's the right attitude!
        If you try to build the perfect model, you'll never finish it.
        Build, finish, post pictures, enter it in contests and ask for constructive criticism from people you trust.
        Then apply what you've learned on the next model.
        That's how you develop as a builder.
        Keep it up Tom.

        • Developed that attitude after I realized this is a hobby and I do this for fun and relaxation, which is why I returned to it after 40 years.

          • yup agree TOTALLY - try what you want, experiment around, and have fun. there is no such thing as the absolutely perfect model - enjoy the process, and learn as you go. It's a hobby, and a very fun one at that.

  7. I always liked the Boston A20. It's an unsung hero.

    At a workplace, there are always those people who make sure they are seen an heard a lot. Then after a while you notice this unassuming person, who is just doing her job. After you've worked there yet a few months, you realise that if this person quits, the whole workplace falls apart.

    The A 20 makes me think of that person. It did the dirty job and got little credit for it.

    Nice build and paintjob.

    I have the kit myself and work on it occasionally as a break from more ambitious ship builds.

  8. Exactly, when the war was over they were discarded. But they did a ton of the work and received little glory

  9. Good looking Boston Tom.

  10. Your second attempt has turned out well, Tom, it's obviously a subject you are very fond of.

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