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Nguyen Huy Hoang
17 articles

Academy+CMK conversion AH-6J "Little Bird" 1/48

January 26, 2015 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.9K

Hi guys,

This is my first converion, using CMK AH-6J conversion, the base kit is the cheap OH-6 kit. The fit of the CMK is perfect. I also srachtbuild the engine bay base on pics I found on the net. Weathering black bird is so difficult. Hope you guys like it.

PS: The base were home made in 10mins 😀

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. A gem that shines in all the right places. The engine and weathering looks great! Well done!

  2. Sharp Little Bird. Your 10 minute base really compliments it.

  3. Excellent job, Nguyen...haven't done a lot of helicopters over the years, but this looks like you really spent some time detailing & weathering. Exactly what part(s) are CMK conversion pieces? Good work, my friend (wouldn't know if there was a "mistake" or NOT). 🙂

  4. magnificent work of art!

  5. A lot of interesting detail in a compact model.

  6. Great bit of work there Nguyen.
    Nicely finished too,
    Well done mate.

  7. very nice job sir I like it a lot

  8. Another great model from you, Nguyen. What did you make your 10 minute base from?

  9. Hello Nguyen, I enjoyed this little gem. well done.

  10. Nguyen,
    Very nicely done

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