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Bruce Craig
10 articles

F-84E in Korea

January 27, 2015 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.4K

F-84E-15-RE 49-2428, Taegu, Korea, 1951. 48th kit, built mostly from the box.

The canopy bracing is done with strips cut from a white decal sheet. Paint is various Testors Metalizers and Testors Enamels. I mistakenly IDs this s/n as being a "D" rather than an "E" so I incorrectly shortened the fuselage 15" in scale. Oh, well, life is so hard.

Non-national decals were created with PhotoShop and printed with an Alps printer. Many of the earlier auxiliary fuel tanks did not have the seals between the tanks and wings; photos of this aircraft showed they were absent so I modified the tanks to remove the seals and used wire to mount them to the wings.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. You certainly know all there is to know about these F84s, Bruce, another very nicely finished model.

  2. Yes another 'era specific' model to a high standard.

  3. Another great looking F84. SplendidNMF. Well done.

  4. Thanks for the kind comments, I did kinda get hooked on the F-84 series about 18 years ago. My favorite aircraft with the Blackbird close behind ... for a few seconds! Ha!

  5. Super job overall, nice natural finish.

  6. Bruce! How great to see you here! I used to go to your F-84 website religiously and have missed it. I can't tell you how much I used the site while building Tamiya and Monogram Thunderjets. I wish it was still around, nothing like it on the web or in print. Wonderful builds you have shared with us, thanks you so much for posting them 🙂 Did you ever start a new site, will you ever rebuild the old one? Anyway I will stop gushing like a teenage girl, but really there are not many sites about any aircraft as good as that one was!

    • Nice to hear from you. I have been frustrated at every turn with my attempts to get the site back online. Main problem with it is that it is all hard coded and with nearly 5000 items all in one folder. The web host became to expensive for my hobby, so I switched to another host for my web sites then found they limit items per folder to 1024. I simply have not had the time ... or energy ... to deal with all the re-coding the F-84 site would require. Plus, if I did have the time to do that, my time would be better spent to learn WordPress. Do a new website or build models ... hmmmm ... decisions, decisions!

  7. Nice!
    Im plan Korea war in 1/72 scale in future..


  8. Thanks all for the kind words, much appreciated. I had a day free to post, now back to work for the next five weeks, so no time to post or follow. Frown# See ya’ll in five weeks!

  9. Well Bruce I would chose models over website design myself. Now that your here though we aren't letting you off the hook more F-84 inspiration, I have the 1/32 HB kit to build after all! Oh and the tip tow diorama is also awesome!

  10. Buce,
    It is obvious you love the F-84. This is a stunning model. Absolutely perfect. I have the Tamiya kit started and this should give me a KITA to finish it. I also have always liked this airplane and have built many of them over the years. I built the Monogram SpeediBuilt and SuperKit, Hawk, DynaModel,and eventually the Tamiya and new Monogram/Revell. My compliments on your skills

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