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Steven Davis
21 articles

Typhoon update

January 11, 2015 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.5K

Closed up, landing gear details, filling and sanding next. Might have to take out a lone to pay for all the paint for this thing!

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4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Comin' along good, Steve (and your bench looks just as 'messy' as mine - if we cleaned it up and straightened everything out neatly, we'd never find anything) - 🙁

  2. Fully agree with Craig. Only we know how to make sense of the organised chaos on the bench.
    🙂 The Typhoon is going to be awesome once finished! Well done!

  3. Looking good so far, this will be a stunning sight, when completed

  4. You are right on the bench, everything you need close to hand, that stuff you don`t use so much to the deepest corners.
    The Tiffie is looking great, BTW you probably need to buy masking tape in industrial quantities too.

  5. Got this one as future build, so good too see one in progress.
    Looks great.

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