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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Weather you like it or not….yer number is up!

January 29, 2015 · in Armor · · 8 · 1.3K

Ok another bad pun! So a short update on the project, tonight I start the weathering process. I use a mix of Pactra acrylic black, denatured alcohol and future (ok whatever the current name is) for the broad wash and pin wash. The denatured alcohol evaporates quickly and when coupled with future I have found keeps "tide" marks from forming. I got a little bit of that but not much. I added decals from an old Tiger set I had and, well so far so good. airbrush of very thinned tan to lighten things up and blend the colors.

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8 responses

  1. eyes, my eyes - I can hardly see to type now! 🙂

  2. Looks great, good work so far

  3. As William Blake said, 'Tyger, Tyger, burning bright...'

  4. Looking good Rob - can't wait to see it with all the running gear attached!

  5. I like the number on this one, 917, does that mean it has a Porsche engine and was intended to race at Le Mans?

  6. seems like i'm not the only one who needs some beer for a good build:) that imperial stout, mmm...must be awesome!

  7. Thanks guys, there was a tad of color shift I didn't correct for, it is a little less yellow in real life. Once I mist on the tan it should all start to blend. Before that though I will put the running gear on, no tracks just yet though, and all the tools and other equipment. Last step will be tracks, followed by a last thin coat of "dust" color, a dull coat, then pastels and some chipping and wear done with a #2 pencil.

  8. It is a bit loud Rob but I like it .

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