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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

1/72 PV-1 Ventura Gunship

February 5, 2015 · in Aviation · · 12 · 3.6K

Started with an kit (pretty nice, except the wing root joint). I opened up the throughway from the cockpit to the cabin, and then felt I better add the navigator and table in case you could see it. Shouldn't have wasted the effort - you can just barely make out that something is in there through the windows.

Only other add was Quickboost gun barrels - used a B-26 set. (Oh yeah - also added pilots - kits never come with them these days...)

Hand painted with Model Master enamels, except the white was rattle can sprayed.

I really wanted the Octopus decal that came with the kit, but ALL of the decals just shredded completely - all decals from the spares box.

Panel wash, then pastels for weathering. On the dark blue I used oil dot filtering to try to vary the shades and show fading. However, I went a bit thick on the final dull coat layer and it softened the oil filtering pretty substantially - though if you look close you can still see the effect.

I need to get better at rigging multiple aerials, and/or get another set of third-hand tweezers!

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8  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Cool model. Thought it was a 1/48 kit till I re-read the text!

  2. Another thing that kit makers don't [usually] include any more are display stands. Good build, Greg.

  3. A very nice rendition of a true aviation classic. Your in flight positioning of the model brings out the sleek look of the Ventura. The South African Air Force also operated the type during and after WW2 in the same colour scheme. Well done!

  4. Hmmmm, I have seen this some where before, Greg. Nice.

  5. Displaying it on that stand really brings out the graceful lines of this aircraft, another good 1/72 model, Greg.

  6. This looks really good Greg!

  7. Nice Ventura Greg, I have seen the octopus decals , they look quite pretty.

  8. Greg,
    Great job on this. I love the display and it would a prized possession in any venue.

  9. Hello Greg! How Did You put gunner into dorsal turret?

  10. @lis - hmm - it's been so long since I built this one, I don't remember. Not sure if there was a place to seat the gunner or if I had to manufacture something. I'll often just do whatever it takes to make a way to mount the crew, if I want to add crew.

  11. There is no any place. I just recived this kit and I’m thinking about how it upgrade. Do You have some photos during build?

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