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Letov L-13 Blanik ,ALC Lesce 2005. SLOVENIJA , 1/48

February 3, 2015 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.6K

"Letov" L-13 Blanik in 1/48 scale is already an older model of which occurs several times in a special edition of different producers of "MODELA" moulds.

And one of these is
by acquired if the demand.
Logatec, Slovenia.

A few years ago issued a limited edition models of decals special for SLOVENIAN flying 80/90 years.

The model is build out of the box according to the instructions that came with .For painting I used the paints and WEM
Xtracolors . kit is suitable for beginners.


Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. I think this just might be the first sailplane/glider posted here (but I could be mistaken without looking it up to be sure). Anyhow, a nice little build, P.k. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I think we have had another glider of this type before but of course we have Santiago who posted a series of WW11 era gliders and of course my own Horsa for the D-Day G/B,that said this is still a really nicely finished build of a very simple subject ,a case of more is less,well done P.K.

  3. A very smoothly put together Glider P.K.
    Looks great.

  4. That's a very neat, smooth build of an unusual subject P.k. The finish looks really good.

  5. Like the others have said, P.k., a very neat model of an usual subject. It looks great against the blue background.

  6. An usual subject. Nice rendition.

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