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Paul van Acker
119 articles

My Supermarine Walrus 1/48 Classic airframes

March 1, 2015 · in Aviation · · 16 · 2.5K

Hope you like. My first real go at rigging. Not counting Tamiya's Swordfish rigging kit parts that came with it. It was fun. πŸ™‚ For some reason, the last two pics are upside down... No idea why. Lol.

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16 responses

  1. The rigging (of which I know next to nothing about doing), looks like a pretty good job to me. Don't often see this aircraft modeled... - πŸ™‚

  2. I don't usually stand on my head to view. But that was worth it. Great modeling Paul. The rigging looks great. I love these early flying boats.
    California Steve

    • Lol. πŸ™‚ Thank you. I am now going to try and find some of those wonderful 1/48 1930s US biplanes that Classic Airframes did. And the revell Stearman, airfix Fury... πŸ™‚

  3. Well done Paul. You did a great job on this one!

  4. Now there's an interesting subject! What process and materials did you use to rig it? Just read an article on these in FlyPast a few months back. Seems they were kept quite busy plucking RAF (and Luftwaffe) pilots from the Channel. They were much loved like the Catalina was to our boys in the Pacific.

    • Thank you. The RAF and FAA used Catalina's as well actually. Loved them just as much. I had heard of thread being drilled through wings and one piece, rigging the entire wing area. I thought.." Stuff that". I used ultra thin wire and measured the size with callipers instead. πŸ™‚ A tiny bit of super glue and it was done. The wire was far too shiny at that stage, but after a coat of matt varnish, it blended in well. The wire actually gave the wings strength, as in real life. Very cool. πŸ™‚

  5. Paul,
    Excellent job on this. Really like the subtle weathering and I am impressed with yor rigging.

  6. Your Walrus looks great from every angle, Paul πŸ™‚ Good, clean work and a great rigging job. The Walrus is a cool looking aircraft, i love this one, since i have seen it, the first time on a Matchbox kit

  7. Nicely built amphibian, anything that can fly and land in the water is always interesting.

  8. Nice work Paul, tidy rigging there.
    Looks good.
    Well done sir.

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