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Milan D.
12 articles

Hasegawa FW-190D-9 1/32

May 24, 2015 · in Aviation · · 26 · 15.2K

My latest build, after seven months of work, 's FW-190D-9 in . This build represents well known machine W.Nr. 210003, flown by Oblt. Hans Dortenmann.

This was my first build in 1/32, so I had to put maximum effort into detailing because there is so much space to do that, and after working mainly on 1/48 kits I had no excuse.

I have used several upgrade sets from Aires, Eduard, HGW, MDC... Of course, lots of scratchbuilding has been done also (radio, fuel tank, compass, engine wiring, riveting..,)

Hope you like it!

Reader reactions:
25  Awesome 1 

24 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. said on May 24, 2015

    The best Dora I have seen ever! This has to get an Imodeler prize Milan. Masterclass work!

  2. Sweet Dora...

  3. A very nice looking Dora.
    Love the detailing, some great pics to.

  4. I of the best builds out there. Stunning detail(s).

  5. I agree, one of the best. Great modeling Milan.
    California Steve

  6. Some strong work and a good candidate for model of the month Milan.

    Two thumbs up,fingers crossed.

  7. Milan, you are a craftsman of the highest calibre. Stunning work.

  8. said on May 24, 2015

    WOW, WOW, WOW...Man, you are really good. Super job, Milan.

  9. Great looking model, Milan. The photographs bring it to life.

  10. Gents, than you for your kind words, I am glad you like it!

  11. It is so pleasing to see a master at work, an outstanding piece of craftsmanship, well done>

  12. It is so pleasing to see a master at work, an outstanding piece of craftsmanship, well done

  13. Are you kidding me!, wow, I can say that you can actually button her up and take her for a spin around the airfield. Excellent model. Can't add anymore than what has been said. Thanks for sharing Milan.

  14. This is the best looking WWII aircraft to open up and do a all out build. Beautiful job and great photos.

  15. Milan,
    I have to agree with all of the other comments. You have my vote for the best model winner. Absolutetely stunning.

  16. Impressive build, all the added extra details makes this to a real stunner.

  17. hey Milan, awesome, awesome, awesome! seems like a perfect build! cheers, Milan 🙂

  18. I definitely like it, Milan!

  19. That is a marvelous build, Milan. I'm deeply impressed about how you realized and consistent, universal style and look all over the model despite of the huge number of single components and their high level of detail.

  20. That is a marvelous build, Milan. I'm deeply impressed about how you realized a consistent, universal style and look all over the model despite of the huge number of single components and their high level of detail.

  21. As previously said it is simply marvelous! You are true master. As I see I have to learn a lot about making photos too 🙂 excellent WIP, thank You!

    • Thank you Gabor! It is even greater compliment when it comes from master like you 🙂 I really appreciate it.
      Regarding photos, biggest trick is to use proper lighting, when you have that, you can have good photos even with your mobile phone - like those ones above 😀

  22. Great built, really !

  23. Milan,
    I know modelers that even riding in a simple way are exceptional in painting, making their models magnificent ... Others mount magnificently with many additions and even with a simpler paint achieve excellent results. From what I have seen in this DORA, you have both abilities: you are a Master in the assembly and a Master in Painting!
    You have my admiration!

  24. Bravo Milane! I am proud to see that there are incredible modelers back home in Belgrade 🙂 And especially great seeing one working on Fw 190. I personally always build "closed up" models, but after seeing something like this I am even tempted to start opening...

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