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Matija Lisec
25 articles

Leopard C2 MEXAS

May 13, 2015 · in Armor · · 7 · 3.4K

Good morning to all

Here is my latest build- a Canadian cat from Afganistan. It`s a offering which represents a vehicle freshly shipped to the conflict. I have, however, decided to update it as it was quickly adapted by the troops and added a Legend update and detailing set and stowage. Some major changes were adding an ECM unit, mudguards( in this case just one, as they were prone to falling off) and a cooler unit(this was deliberate mistake i made, as those units were used with thermal shrouds on the tank). Rest were resin and PE replacement tidbits.All in all,i would recomend that Legend set. Painted with Tamiya paints and a large amount of pigments was used( those tanks were even more dustier sometimes, i did not want to overdo it to hide the details).

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. You're posting some might fine work Matija! Both your tanks and planes!

    Best regards


  2. I agree with Magnus...stellar job all around, sir. BTW, where'd that figure come from?

  3. Thanks!
    The ANA soldier is from the kit, but the head was kinda rubbish, so i used a hornet german senior citizen one, and sculpted the `stache,hair and the hat.

  4. Splendid Leo, Matija ! Again a great post, beautiful stuff 🙂

  5. Very nice work, Matija.

  6. That's a fantastic piece of armor!

  7. Matija
    Your work is superb and the diplay is very impressive.

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