Me109 K-4 1/48 Hasegawa
Its the ultimate of the ultimates: the K-4. The pinnacle of the sleek Messers. I dunno why, but i have always absolutely loved the lines of 109 family, especially the late war birds, even if they were made slower and less agile, they packed a lot of punch. I have a thing for late war camouflage and this one is a great example of it: a hodgepodge of different parts,assembled and repainted just so it could go for one more sortie and defend the Reichs sky. I have a few photos of this bird, from them it
s evident it was painted in an unusual scheme of primer grey and RLM75 for the fuselage. It had a replacement rudder with a hand painted 33 on it. The swastikas were subdued as was the side Balkenkreuz, Reichverteidigungs band was overpainted,but it was still visible under the coat of paint. previous number was repainted and white 14 added. The wings were a fairly common combo of RLM75 and 83 with a natural metal under surface which was once again done in the front segment of RLM75. Simplified markings were used to save the paint.
I did a small amount of scratchbuilding on it, mainly in the cockpit and the wheel bays. Painted with GunzeSangyo. I may have gone a bit overboard with the postshading, i will admit...
Nothing "overboard" about this build...a nice job, sir. I'm left wondering just what scale it is and what kit it is, though.
Fixed! It`s a Hasegawa kit, 1/48
Very nice Matija…..great paint work and good photos.
Very nice 109. Love the paintwork as well.
I agree, the 109's are good looking a/c. This is beautiful
A work of art. Well done, and a beautiful aircraft as subject!
I enjoy your paint work, very realistic, well done.
I fully agree! The late war 109's are my favourite too. Awesome work on a very sleek 109. Beautiful !
Thanks gents! And i´m already gunning for the next one muwhahahaaha
Looks like IM is currently a good place for 109 shaped plastic kits !
Well done, great work !
I appreciate those who take the time to present something a bit different - a non-standard if you will - even if it's just the paint job! Adds more variety/interest to the hobby. Great work on the 109 - she looks really good!
Very well thought out, and nicely finished and photographed.
Love the paint scheme!