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Matija Skobe
34 articles

Tesla Tank

May 10, 2015 · in Sci-fi · · 11 · 2K

hello everyone,
i would like to present my vision of tesla tank inspired with Red alert game, set in near future.
It has M113 chassis, computer mouse as lower turret, spark plugs as Tesla coil turrets, and BMP1 turret. in addition there were used some parts from stash, some electrical components and styrene.

hope you like it and comments are welcome.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Quite the imaginative build. When I saw the headline pic, my first thought was "...Danger, Will Robinson.." 🙂

  2. Thats amazing. I like your imagination in bringing it too life and the detail. Lot of thought into this project. Effective yet simple in execution. Well done.

  3. Great imagination Matija, I like the use of any thing that fitted or looked right.

  4. You left off the extension cord, where does it plug in? Nice imaginative build!

  5. Great 'What if,..' model. Very imaginative.

  6. Fairly awesome I'd say, I bet it has Bluetooth and Wifi too!
    Great job.

  7. Strange but nice, well done

  8. Conversation with my wife: - Why are you laughing? - Look at this. - What's that? - Dunno, but that's awesome 🙂
    Very imaginative and cool.

  9. Matija,
    Whatever it is, you did a nice job on this.

  10. AAAuuugh! The Daleks got tanks! Flee!

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