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Dmitry Stropalov
92 articles

Su-7BKL of Indian Air Force (Modelsvit 1/72)

June 7, 2015 · in Aviation · · 9 · 4.1K

This is my recent model in a very unusual painting scheme for this aircraft. Not an easy kit - it's a short run from Ukrainian manufacturer and kit requires some attention and patience. Also instruction should be inspected very carefully, because there are some very unclear steps.

I've used some aftermarket: resin wheels, ejection seat, tubes and air scoops, etched instrumental panel, vacform canopy. Also I've added navigation lights as well. Painted with Gunze and Vallejo acrylics.

Thank you for viewing!

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8  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. A cracking build in this scale, Dmitry. The high contrast yellows against the dark camo is really dramatic.

  2. Nicely finished and photographed, sir...I like it!

  3. Profile Photo
    P.k said on June 8, 2015



  4. Very nice. I like the unusual scheme - always nice to see something different!

  5. Very nicely done Dmitry, looking at the pictures I thought this was the 1/48 kit until I re-read the caption.

  6. Great colour scheme, Dmitry, and excellent in 1/72 scale.

  7. Great markings, very different. A great model as well!

  8. Amazing detail! Outstanding work!

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