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Rob Anderson
204 articles


September 29, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 1.5K

Well I haven't posted in a while, I got moved (finally) back to day shift, and in the meantime I have been plugging away at my C-2. One of the first things I did was get the shape of the APU exhaust opening the right shape, has it close, but not quite, I also made an exhaust out of brass tubing. Next after closing the fuselage I decided I wanted the ramp and cargo doors closed to show the prominent "Trident" Marking the Det 3 Crusaders carried on the center cargo door. It did not fit so well, but some plastic and putty and it is all good! Next the canopy, added the overhead CB panel, eyebrow panels, rearview mirrors and bits and bobs not found in the kit, took one last look at the cockpit and after dipping in future and masking the clear areas glued the canopy in place and faired it in with Tamiya putty. You can see some stuff through the main entrance hatch, such as the "candy board" and CB panel/equipment rack. Pretty good kit so far!

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. I'd say that's gonna be a beauty, Rob...especially with first-hand knowledge of what it SHOULD look like... (Boba-Fett will be proud). 🙂

  2. Wow, Rob, great looking details!

  3. Awesome cockpit details, Rob !

  4. Thanks guys, it is a pretty solid kit, I would certainly say a SOB build would still result in a great looking C-2A. So far with the exception of the rear cargo doors and ram the fit has been great. There was a little bit of a step where the large clear piece met the top of the fuselage, but that may have been caused by my assembly.

  5. Looking really good! Quit teasing and get this s****r done so we can drool over it!

  6. wow - didn't realize the site would convert that particular word into an "expletive!" CERTAINLY not meant to offend anyone!

  7. Looks sweet Rob.
    Great work in the office.

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