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Lloyd King
35 articles

1/48 CH-53

December 30, 2015 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.3K

1/48 CH-53 built OOB, painted with Lifecolor paints. This build is on Display at the USS Lexington Museum in Corpus Christi Texas.

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5  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Museum quality indeed...nice work.

  2. Lloyd, nice clean build. Is that a minesweeper version? Were the enlarged fairings in the kit? Does the tail folding option and the folding main rotors come with it, or did you modify both yourself?

  3. Thanks, Lloyd. I'm gonna think about this one. The folding option adds to the appeal.

  4. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. 2 feet! Begorra!

  5. Looks excellent, Lloyd like all your other posts !

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