GPPSD IMPS Brazil annual convention 2015
Friends, here are some photos of the annual convention of modeling that takes place every month of December at São Paulo airbase, plus some medals won by my kits. Once I have, I'll post more photos. Enjoy. By the way, the 1972 Ford Maverick is my 1:1 scale kit, hahahha, I´m working on it since 1996, and it seems that will never ends! hahaha..
Take a look on te tag, and click on the link for full images from de event.
WOW...some excellent, excellent work on display there...some of the best I've ever seen (not a 'loser' in the bunch!). And congratulations on your winning builds. Looking forward to seeing more examples from that show if you've got 'em. Great photos!

Thanks... I will post more pictures very soon...
Thanks for posting - love seeing what is showing up at contests around the globe! Also, would love to see some detailed posts from your winners (or any other builds)! Congratulations on the awards.
Thanks Greg!
Some very pretty modelling going on here. Nice to see work from our friends in the Southern Hemisphere.
Thank you Eduardo for some great pics.
Some really great builds there.
And congratulations on the awards mate.
Thanks Simon!
Some really great looking builds , it's nice to see what our opisites around the globe are doing ... But I have to say from one FORD freak to another great looking Mavrick !
thanks blue oval friend!
Well it looks like you are in some nice company here Eduardo. Everything looks first class. Good modeling on your part. In 1972 my girlfriend had a metallic green
Maverick with the Grabber logos on it. What is nice she let me drive it most of the time. That was a summer or two to remember.
California Steve
Muy buenos trabajos ( Very good works ). I really don't see anything bad in either of them. Your models are very exceptional and congratulations on your merits and skills. Hope to see more pictures of the event.
Congratulations, Eduardo, and thank you for sharing these pictures with us. There are some very good looking car models there.
Thank's for posting Eduardo.
It's the first time I've seen a report from a modelling show in South America. Our hobby seems to be alive and kicking there. That was only to be expected of course. I'm glad to be a part of this global hobby.