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George Johnson
73 articles


December 24, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 27 · 2.5K

Here are a few photos of my work area. It's not as neat at the moment as these pictures would have you believe.

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5  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

27 responses

  1. Wow, George. That bit of table in the middle is the size of my modelling room!

  2. Excuse me while I turn green with envy, sir...outstanding work room.

  3. Thanks. I built that center table quite a while ago. I used to have a darkroom and the enlarger sat on it. It's super heavy-duty.

  4. What is this thing you call "word space"? 🙂

  5. Looks like a operating room and creates envy with its lighting and organization. You where right the first time Tom. Look at all of that space.

  6. That workshop is bigger than our front room.
    You lucky man,

  7. Mmmm, the bigger work shop, the more room to clean 😉 Just look at the size of the toilet paper roll!

  8. Do you live in Florida so we can have a play day?

  9. Nice shop. Plenty of space. For supplies. In reality building a kit is a small well lit area with our tools around us to process the build. Very nice George, Merry Christmas

  10. George,
    What can I say, that is outstanding

  11. George, wonderful space. My sincerest envy!

  12. And yet any real modeling occurs in a space that is only one square foot

  13. A workshop(studio) as high as your magnificent realizations! I would like to have so much space! Congratulations.

    • I would love to have the space as well ... not to mention the talent. Your "Creations Shop" is a superb as your models! The fact that it may not be as neat as pictured simply means it looks "lived in' & loved!

  14. Nice space, that is an awfully large roll of paper towels you have there

  15. A BIG space workshop!

  16. Let me wipe the drool off my computer keyboard...

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