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Ralph Clements
43 articles

2015 in models

January 6, 2016 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 1.5K

Well I thought I'd be slick and create a nifty single image, ...that didn't work...also somehow thought I had a model for each month - a possible calendar, but not quite. My output pace is more erratic than I thought I guess.
But I had fun building these kits in 2015.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. All nice builds, Ralph...(calendar notwithstanding). lol

  2. All beautiful builds, Ralph. Including this very nice Tribal ? class destroyer.

  3. That's some great work - you can be proud of those builds! One more slip of the airbrush and you could market a modeler's calendar!

  4. Thanks fellows
    Bernd you are correct and very sharp to I.D. that Tribal Class from such a small photo. It is the Huron.

    Here is the link to its post where more photos of it may be found.

    I hope that link is posted right to where it can be clicked on...

  5. Ralph they are all masterclass models. My favourite is the Vought Corsair! Well done!

  6. Ralph, great output for the year, and a fine display of craftmanship across the plastic spectrum. Love the destroyer!

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