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North American F-86D in 1/48 by Revell

October 7, 2023 · in Aviation · · 37 · 566

Hi Folks!
I just joint this community and thought I'd share one of my recent builds, the in by . It is the bir of
Capt. A. G. Limpantsis
445th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
Geiger AFB; Wa USA
December 1954

Thanks for looking in and thanks for leting me in.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome 5  2 

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

37 responses

  1. Congratulations on a lovely build. Welcome to the site, I look forward to seeing more of your excellent work.

  2. You have done nice work on this- one of their best kits I think.

  3. Fantastic result, Martin!
    Welcome aboard!

  4. Gorgeous nmf work!

  5. Very nice and welcome to the site

  6. Welcome to the best modeling club on the planet. That's some very nice work and a beautiful result with this kit. I like it a lot.

  7. That is very nice, Martin @impisi! Welcome to iModeler as well!

  8. Very nice finish. Quite realistic. Welcome to iModeler!

  9. Martin, great grand entrance and some strong work on a Revellogram classic. Looking forward to seeing more of your gifts and talents.

  10. Very nice finished product. How did you achieve the two toned metal effect on the wings. Nice.

    • Thank you very much. Well all the different areas are just masked and sprayed with a different metallic tone or filters. I used Lifecolor metallics on this one, over all it is Lifecolor Aluminum and the inner parts on the wings are Lifecolor steel with a very light tint of middle brown. In the end it is tighten together with a dark grey-brown oil wash.

  11. Welcome aboard! great build on the SabreDog.

  12. That's a fine looking Sabre!

  13. Welcome to this great modelling community, Martin @impisi
    You made an impressive entry with this Sabre.
    Very nicely done and the metal finish looks perfect.

  14. Great build Martin. Love the Sabre Dog.
    Fantastic finish.
    Welcome to the mad House 🤪 Martin

  15. Great looking Sabre Dog, welcome to iModeler.

  16. Welcome, Martin (@impisi). The NMF on your model is perfect and looks very natural. I like building old Monogram and Revell kits, and the F-86D is one of their best. Well done.

  17. Excellent work, Martin. Welcome to imodeler!

  18. Welcome aboard! That's a nice-looking Sabre - well done!

  19. Very nice work on this F-86. It’s a very nice kit, I’ve got one to build, someday. Hope mine turns out as well as yours, or at least close. You put a lot of effort in to it.

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