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Dennis Meyers
109 articles

Something for everyone at SilverCon 2016

February 23, 2016 · in Show Reports · · 9 · 2.9K

The 2016 IPMS- Sacramento Model Club had a great turnout and something impressive to suit everyone.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

40 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Some cool models there

  2. Great collection to show the diversity of the hobby. I really like the Rum runner.

  3. A lot of nice builds there...thanks for sharing.

  4. GREAT stuff I love talent. Thanks for posting.

  5. Looks like a good show / good turn out, could be a good excuse for a road trip in the future. Thanks for sharing !

  6. Some really great stuff there! Although I'm an aircraft guy, I was really impressed with the variety, creativity and detail in the armor dioramas. Especially loved the Ardennes and corn field. And haven't we seen that Magister recently...!

  7. Thanks for this Dennis - some lovely work here - particularly liked the stug in the cornfield !

  8. Some great models there, Dennis, thanks for sharing with us, but, something for everybody?, apart from the airliners, where are the non military models, that is cars and motorbikes?

  9. The armour dioramas are the strongest selection, in my view. I think the Ardennes winter scene is one I may have seen elsewhere, perhaps entered in another show?

    Still, a good selection, excepting, as George say, representative car models.

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