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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Airfix 1/72 Hurricane stirs a rivalry

March 21, 2016 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.5K

Note that this article is the next episode of a friendly rivalry between myself and my good friend Scott Nelson (see Painting a Spitfire on March 8) centered around new kits. These are great models that stand up to kits twice as expensive. We started with head-to-head entries pitting my Messerschmitt Bf109E-4 against his Hawker Typhoon, trading alternating 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in a variety of IPMS competitions. Recently Scott's Supermarine Swift (1) bested my Fouga Magister. (2) I thought the latest round would pit Scott's Spitfire against my just-finished Mk IIc, but as I write this, Scott has already started on a Hurricane Mk I. Needless to say, this could go on a while. (3)

This Hurricane kit builds up nice and clean, requiring very little filling.(4) The cockpit is nicely, but not overly, detailed.(5) Primed and ready for paint.(6) Yellow leading edge stripes painted and masked.(7) This was my first project with AK paint - AK Interactive RAF Camouflages Acrylic Paints.(8) They are easy to work with and flowed beautifully through my airbrush, drying to very thin hard finish, although they have a satin-to-gloss finish. The underside Medium Sea Grey might be a little dark for some tastes.(9) Underside masked and dark green applied.(10) Camouflage pattern masked with Tamiya wavy tape.(11) After gloss coating, decal time. Like Scott, I applied Walthers solvaset a few minutes after each decal was applied.(12)(13) The panel lines were picked out with AK Paneliner, then a clear flat coat. The exhaust stains were applied with Secret Weapons Pigment powders.

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6 responses

  1. Another great job Dennis! You keep pushing me to be a better modeler. BTW, I just ordered an Airfix Spitfire mk.V and mk. 22. so there's some more fuel for the fire.

  2. Great work guys a little friendly competition is a great encouragement !
    Thanks for the comments on the AK Interactive Dennis - really helpful I was thinking of picking up some of these myself!

    • Thanks David. I worked with acrylics years ago but they didn't air brush well. Used enamels ever since with generally good results. Saw these new acrylics used on YouTube recently. They're much easier to work with than the old ones.

  3. Great looking Hurricane, and love the back story! What a great sport/hobby! What's a little competition now and then (as long as you are mostly competing with yourself)!

  4. Impressive any any scale...even better in 1/72nd.

  5. Beautiful rendition of a classic.
    As the say in pro tennis 15 love.
    The balls in Scotts court now

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