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Rob Anderson
206 articles

COD on deck!

March 30, 2016 · in Uncategorized · 26 · 1.8K

Well she's finally done. I realized I started her last July! Next I think a Tamiya kit before diving into my F-4B for the Phantom group build, I need a shake and bake! So mods included, detailing the cockpit to look like a C-2, rebuilding the main entrance steps, complete rebuild of the nacelle scoops, lots of scratch building and detailing all along the way including thermoforming clear wing tip lenses. You can't really make out the light green glow in the dark prop tips, but that was a challenge getting the color right. Markings are from the kit, and from a former COD crewman who printed me some decals, (where the names came from, it is pretty cool having a model with my name on it!) as well as the spares box. A full breakdown blow by blow has been described in my iModeler blog so I won't re-hash all of it here. Last picture is where she sits with my VRC 30 memorabilia, and she is dedicated to my Det, the Det 3 Crusaders and our 9 month adventure to the Middle East.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. She really is a Beaut Rob - congratulations! Wonderful labor of love!

  2. NIce build, paint- and decal job!
    I really like all those bright colors.

  3. Thanks guys, I got in a moderate amount of "trouble" for painting the tail red and black. The squadron colors are blue and gold but our Detachment Officer in Charge said he would let me do the tail in our Det 3 colors, red and black. The Skipper and Executive officer frowned a little bit on it, but in the end smiled and said "As long as you guys re-paint it when you get home".

  4. Sure looks great Rob.
    And with your name on her as well, a nice touch.
    Well done mate.

  5. Your efforts certainly paid off handsomely...great-lookin' build, Rob (love the display array in that last pic, too).

  6. Great work, you've done her proud.

  7. Masterful work, Rob. Enjoyed the ride.

  8. Rob, first rate! Beautful work. Plus we got the "rest of the story", even better.

  9. Nice job Rob! looks really good

  10. Thanks again for the comments! This is the 2nd aircraft I have had my name on, the first was an E-2C in VAW 124 I was the Plane Captain and the last one was an Mh-60S in HSC 21. I did a stint filling in for the Command Master Chief so I got my name on the dog house, it said AECS Anderson CMC II !

  11. Really nice Rob. You always do excellent work and this one really stands out. Two thumbs up from me !

  12. Excellent work Rob! I've always been interested in USN COD and Utility aircraft. You did the C-2 justice!

  13. that looks really cool dude, especially the wear and tear on the boarding steps!

  14. Hello Rob...My compliments on the outstanding build of your COD bird. It is truly a beautiful model. Your attention to detail is amazing.

  15. Absolutely beautiful Senior !

  16. That's a killer COD, Rob and that beer is looking good right now too.

  17. I think you deserve a couple or three beers after all that work, Rob, thanks for sharing it with us.

  18. Really nice work Rob, now on to the Phantom

  19. Beautiful Rob.
    Very nice bird

  20. Rob,
    I have been quietly following your build on this. The final product is absolutely stunning. This is a magnificent work of art.

  21. Great job Rob. You should be feeling very satisfied and deservedly pleased with yourself.

  22. Nice job! All that work paid off.

  23. That's sick model. The kind that would appear on the front of a magazine. One of those strong model of the month builds...

    Two thumbs up Rob

  24. Again thanks to you all, for so many great modelers to compliment my work is very humbling 🙂

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