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Steven Davis
21 articles

Russian T5 torpedo boat

March 30, 2016 · in Ships · · 14 · 3.3K

This is the scale kit. It's been quite awhile since I posted anything or finished anything but here we go. The kit was a very nice build, no flash or ejector pin marks tha show up. The hull is 2 pieces joined at the lower sharp edge. The actual boat was built by a Russian airplane manufacturer and the "skin" is covered with thousands of tiny rivets as is the kit too! Every thing was molded with lots of detail, the guns have slide molded barrels with a hollow muzzle and open flash suppressors. It was painted with MM enamels custom mixed and weathered with oils. There is no rust because the real boat was made of durarilium. The only drawback to the kit is there is absolutely no interior to the kit at all. There are a lot of large holes in this too, the gun tubs and two openings in the cockpit also. Just painted the inside black and away we went. The only addition to the kit that I made was the large exhaust pipe had no muffler on it at all. All the pictures that I could find of the long exhaust pipe showed a muffler so a Russian 1/32 scale bomb from a Stormovick was sacrificed. A plesent build all together, lots of fun. Friends asked me if it was a submarian and it does resemble one a little bit. That or a float from a kingfisher

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Looks really sharp! Great job!

  2. Great-lookin' model...never seen one before. Nice job!

  3. Pretty fookin' amazing!

  4. There is absolutely nothing I don´t love about that thing! It´s so futuristic, so steampunk, so Soviet in its appearance. Just look at those bottles right behind the tower and exhaust pipe and rivents and... Really nicely modelled.

  5. Thanks everybody, it was fun to work on. You could say almost riviting! ?

  6. Darn that's nice, very unique as well

  7. THAT musta been something to drive, the change of CG when the torpedoes were let loose (dropped?) must have been interesting. Excellent paint too. Very cool.

  8. Great build and an excellent paint job!
    You even remembered to weather the propellers.
    These boats were actually the fastest MTBs of the war, capable of reaching some 60 knots. They had to be, in order to run away from their own torpedoes. Then of course there was the problem of avoiding collisions with your fellow MTB's who were simultaneuosly trying to outspeed and turn away from their own torpedoes.

  9. Very nice! I had to look up how the torpedoes were launched because I couldn't figure it out - had never seen a boat of this design before (I usually spend my time gazing at winged things...!).

    Great finish and weathering. Ease to imagine it racing through the water.

  10. Whatta neat ship! Nice turn of speed, even for a torpedo boat. Looks like Captain Nemos gig.

  11. Great job. not a common subject.

  12. I must admit I thought it was a submarine at first glance! However, it's a very convincing model, great finish (as usual from you), and an interesting prototype.

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