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Dmitry Stropalov
92 articles

RWD 8 (MisterCraft 1/72)

March 29, 2016 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.8K

Back to scale with this model. The RWD 8 was a Polish parasol monoplane trainer aircraft produced by RWD It was used from 1934 to 1939 by the Polish Air Force and in Polish civilian aviation.

This kit by polish manufacturer requires some attention during assembly, because actually this is a very old kit, I think it's back from 80's. Also some parts were replaced and some were added (instrumental panels with custom decals, seat belts).

Base color – AGAMA Polish Khaki water based acrylic paint. Cowling metallic – AK Extreme Metal enamel. Weathered with artistic oils and pigments, as I usually do.

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15 responses

  1. Excellent build, How do manage rigging on such a small scale? Looks great.

  2. What a exquisite build. Its very elegant in its simplicity of color and detail. The rigging and the under carriage are true and sharp. Definitely a strong piece of work that needs to be a candidate for model of the month. Good things come in small packages.

    Two thumbs up on this build Dimtry.

  3. A great job on an example not often seen OR modeled. Very nice work.

  4. The Israelis had some in what was then Palestine, used for flying club trainers. Later on, for less pacific uses, like dropping explosives on those people, flying in supplies.

    • Didn't know about that, do you have some more information on it? Because I have another one RWD 8 (another newer kit) and I've pick a Spanish camo version for that feature build.

      • Dmitry: I read about it in a book on the Israeli air force, in its early days, when the Palmach was using the airplanes. Maybe the small hardcover ARCO series? Also, any general history of the Israeli Air Force. They wore civil registrations, which got changed as they moved them around, one jump ahead of the British administration.

  5. Very nice and interesting build of an unusual prototype.
    Turned out well

  6. I like the use of the word "parasol" to describe the design. Very neat build of what, no doubt, is a difficult kit.

  7. Thank you all for your responses!

  8. Great work as always Dmitry! An unusual subject, and executed just beautifully.

  9. Nice work! MisterCrafts are not easy builds as I remember, this one is a little gem!

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