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1/32 Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf 109G6 “Yellow 5”

May 21, 2016 · in Aviation · · 15 · 3.9K

Here is the last part of my 1/32 Bf-109 Gustav Trilogy.

The first part was 1/32 Bf 109G6 Red 8 “Mosquito chaser”:

The second one was 1/32 Bf 109G10 “Black 12”:

And this is 1/32 Hasegawa Bf 109G6 with the markings of “Yellow 5”. This Gustav was found by US troops in May 1945 at Henschel Aero Engine Works in Kassel.

The base kit is Hasegawa's Bf 109G14 due to later style rudder and Erla Haube canopy.

Cockpit modified by using “MDC” resin cockpit set.

Horizontal stabilizators replaced by “Master Details” resin set.

Exhausts are from “Quickboost”

Main wheels , spinner and propellers are from “Barracudacast”

Painting was done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics. Upper surfaces are painted to RLM81 and RLM 83 except for the right wing. It seems that right wing was replaced with a wing painted in regular greys (RLM 75 / 74). Left wing upper surfaces colour is RLM81/83, lower surfaces is RLM76 with some natural metal panels.

Decals are from Eagle Cals EC80

Thanks to Anders Hjörtsberg for his help during this Project.

Happy modelling

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5  Awesome

30 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Stellar workmanship again, Tolga...very nice!

  2. I like the "pieced together" look.

  3. Excellent! Did you airbrush the mottle cammo freehanded?

  4. Can't help fo feel reminded of Warhol.
    Great project, Tolga!

  5. Marvelous work as usual Tolga. Are the instrument faces decals? If they are dry brushed, you must be from another planet. Agree with Tom- love that scrap-yard sort of thing.

  6. Renaissance man = Tolga. Another Goldie Locks build with subtle shading ...I like the work done with the spinner and prop with the lighter grays accenting the engraved panel lines. Also, the exhaust staining and work done under neath the engine panels is spot on. The photography, reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock with some of the underside photos...normally if done by other folks the angles of the photos would be awkward but, with the lighting and excellent craftsman Tolga your able to pull it off. These photos would be readily shown on some hard copy magazine like Tamiya but, fortunately they are posted here on iModeler. Two thumbs up. Another strong candidate for model of the month.

  7. Excellent work Tolga !, I really enjoyed checking this one out. Just for your info,I like the tan colored background better.

    • Yes Terry you are right.
      Tan colored background works better than the blue. But this is a piece of plywood, so it s not easy to use it as background in some angles for the pictures

  8. Fantastic, Tolga, really good, consistent work on all three models.

  9. Thanks to all for their comments, very appreciated

  10. Excellent as always! Love the scheme on this one.

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