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Allan J Withers
201 articles

Fairchild 24R, A36-2, 1 CF RAAF Laverton Vic 1942.

May 29, 2016 · in Aviation · · 24 · 1.7K

1/72 , finished in MM enamels with Future over the decals, I didn't like the kit offering so I built my own engine, not painted, just different colored plastic, shame you can't see it ! but I did take photos.

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24 responses

  1. Profile Photo
    P.k said on May 29, 2016

    Nice build i Like im have one in stash...

  2. Nice work Allan, can't recall seeing one of these finished and in particular in RAAF markings.

  3. Gotta love any airplane wearing wheel pants….nice work Allan.

  4. Nice little build, Allan...don't think I've seen one before (sorta puts me in mind of a Stinson).

  5. Allan, impressed aircraft? And they left it in its civvie colors, to boot. Pretty aircraft, didn't know there was a kit out there. Beautiful job on her. Just says "30s".

  6. Saw a 1:1 out at Chino about 20 years ago in FAA camo with yellow lowers, full original interior as a nav trainer.

    Looks nice!

  7. Beautiful, nice motor work.

  8. You sure have a knack for finding unusual subjects! Very nice looking, and I commiserate with you about hiding all that engine work under the cowling! One advantage I have to building everything wheels up is I never have open panels or gear bays to have to detail out... lazy man's way out?!

  9. Brilliant little build with a nice even bright red paint job. Which isn't always the easiest paint to spray onto a kit. Looking forward to seeing you next jewel Allen.

  10. Neat work, as usual, Allan, thanks for sharing.

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