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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Jerry Rutman 1/32 resin Ta-152H-1

Did this back in 2004. I think the kit is now available through Greymatter Figures. If you're a real purist and want the Ta-152H-1 done right (like the "twist" in the wing between wing root and wing tip), this is the kit for you. If you want something a whole lot easier, that 99.9999% of those who ever see it will say "nice Ta-152H!" get the Pacific Coast model. If you want one that will cause you to tear your hair out and eventually throw the model against the wall, followed up with putting on your cowboy boots and stomping it into its component atoms, get the Zoukei-Miura nightmare.

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5  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Golly, Tom! I'm gonna run right out and get me one of them Zoukie whatevers! Sounds like my kind of kit, I tell you! Cowboy boots, huh? I won't ask how you know that...

  2. I have already one Zoukei in my portfolio.
    Hope to start it next winter, but I am not sure I can finish it without losing my hair:)

  3. Nice work Tom as usual - dare we ask about the Zoukei ?

  4. Graceful craft.

  5. Great Tank again 🙂

  6. I would never have guessed that flying boots were a prerequisite for building model airplanes...

    I like some of the in progress photos. Zoukei-Miura kits don't always get reviewed too often. Although, I thought the He-219 turned out well compared to its Revell cousin.

    Two thumbs up on the oldie but, goodie.

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