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david leigh-smith
283 articles

Farewell comfort zone…

July 23, 2016 · in Aviation · 16 · 1.5K

My first post here on iModeler and I've really enjoyed the relaxed and supportive attitude (and amazing skills) on show from the members. I've a real thing for 1/32 scale WW2 planes, and thought I'd share my latest attempt as I blow the comfort zone completely. Following the modeling equivalent of a full body massage by a team of expert Geisha (my last two kits were the tamiya/hasegawa 1/32 Mossie and Dora), I thought it was time to pay some dues and get down and dirty with a real old dog of a kit.

A bit of a tease (if anyone is actually reading...).
This is a kit from the seventies and by all accounts is a bit of a horror. However, I have always loved the subject and the variation here is unusual. If anyone can name the plane from this initial attempt at a scratch build quadrant (see photo), then I'll know that my geek side has truly found its spiritual home with you guys.

Happy modeling all, and more to follow soon...

Part two.

So the quadrant expands to the port side of the cockpit and lots more scratch building. At the moment I'm also working on the rest of the cockpit (the base kit is just devoid of any detail despite the size of it). My wife marvels at how a grown man can sit whittling away at tiny pieces of plastic, and I admit to feeling a bit unhinged at times. But it is fun...isn't it?

Even the yoke needs some serious attention to make it vaguely realistic!

Part three, spraying the cockpit (this kit is just ghastly) as the Curtiss Helldivers shot king Kong off the Empire State building on TV.

Reader reactions:

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Welcome, David! I haven't the faintest idea. Little more info, huh?

  2. Yes, welcome sir. Is it a star buckle alignment? A cockpit side panel? I have no idea either.

  3. I'm sure you'll enjoy iModeler, but I think you'll have to give us a bit more of a clue regarding what this is!

  4. Is 'dog' a clue? Sabre Dog firewall or floor panel?

  5. Just getting used to posting here, so apologies for the on the hoof editing!

    I'll post today's progress later and things will be clearer. Hard to believe so many people are responding!


  6. Looks remarkably like the control column from a P-38. You wouldn't happen to be building the old Revell kit, would you?

    Welcome to the asylum!

  7. I agree, looks a lot like the old Revell kit of the P 38. I remember how bad the kit was when I had a go, Nightmares I tell you, Happy sleepless nights David.

    • Hi Marc,
      Yep the P38. Snoop droop version to make matters even worse. Hope to open up the nose and detail it a bit - depending on how many of those sleepless nights it gives me.

  8. David - welcome to iModeler!

    I do have one suggestion - use the groups forum and WIP thread to let us follow the build, then when done post up in the headlines post the final product. That gives people the opportunity to "follow" your group build, and be updated as you progress. Otherwise if you just keep editing on this headline post it will eventually get buried.

    Since I don't build 32 scale, I'm lost as to what you're building - but I'm gonna put some money on Marc and Jaime's guesses! 😉

    • Greg, thanks - I have done exactly as you suggested and it's a much better fit. Thanks for the advice; the WIP is now on groups forum under aircraft and I appreciate the signposting!

      Thanks so again,


  9. Hi David & welcome. I guessed P-38 too. The giveaway is the single seat with a wheel although I didn't guess the Revell kit. It always gives me a real sense of accomplishment to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. I'll follow it with interest!

  10. Late to the party, David...(for whatever reason, I was unable to respond when first posted), I was dying to chime in with the answer: P-38, but others beat me to it. 🙁
    At any rate, I want to add my welcome to the site - I think you'll really like this format - AND the members.

  11. Moved this over to the 'works in-progress' section. Thanks for all the comments - having tried a few modelling forums I think I've found my 'home'.

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