Jamie Boy / The West By Gawd Virginian
Calling this down. 1/48 Tamiya P-47 Razorback flown by Lang and Punchy. When Punchy first arived to Bodney Lang shared his Tbold with Punchy till more Tbolts arived . Painted with Tamiy paints and weathered with Mig Dark Wash. Decals are from Superscale . Enjoy
Cheers Brian
The Thunderbolt is one of my favorite piston engine planes of the era.
Nice work Brian, like the olive drab scheme - not always easy to get the right variation in the paint colour but you've managed it great decal/aircraft choice also
Punchy would have liked that. He departed the pattern a week ago Thursday.
An excellent book on the 352nd FG is my friend Jay Stout's "Fighter Group." Punchy was the group "go-to guy" who kept tack of every thing and everybody, and had a lot to do with the book happening.
Very nice model.
Great looking "Jug".
Nice prezentation of KIT!
Good-looking TBolt! Working on one now (an old Ace kit that will mostly be used as a test bed for some new painting techniques, as the model is really lousy).