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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 Trumpeter F-106A 177th FIS

August 28, 2016 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.4K

Finally fin ished. Was put of the shel for a while this year after decal issues useing a old bare metal foil decal sheet. . There is a little silvering i could not get rid of. Hoped final coat of future would hide it but no luck. but you can only notice it if you have it close to your eyes. A friend made me some ADC grey mixed using Tamiya pints. This is not the perminate base for it. Just need to figure a better base out and intall fuel tanks later. Enjoy 🙂

Cheers Brian

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

9 responses

  1. Looks good, Brian...I like it - wish I could paint figures as well as yourself...I'd use more of 'em instead of collecting 'em all in a box. 🙂

  2. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Brian ... I like it, you did well. Of course the F-106 always was a good looking aircraft. I have a few unopened F-106, true they are the old Monogram kit, but I like them. The best part ... the pilot figure. I like the figures because it gives the viewer a sense of size and the great opportunity it provides. Did this model come with the figure?

  3. Never been very knowledgable about jets but agree these delta-wing types have a definite go-faster look about them. I also think pilot figures add nice sense of scale, but the trend of course is to super detail cockpits so you only find the pilots in older kits as standard. Ironically, because of this trend if you do want a pilot figure you have to buy one aftermarket for about £15!

  4. Delta wings are cool, and it's makes a welcome change to see a model in flight complete with a pilot figure, and a well painted one at that. Great stuff, Brian.

  5. Great job, one of the most pleasing to the eye aircraft.

  6. Very nice! Agree with the comments about deltas - got a Kfir on the bench and a Mirage 2000 and Cheetah on deck! Just something about them that is clean and fast looking.

    Glad to see someone else likes to build wheels-up! 🙂

  7. I am sure that Greg will agree with me, Brian. That needs to come to the Tulsa show in April.

  8. Nice work Brian.

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