F-4F Phantom (Revell, AirDoc, 1:32)
This build was made for a collector in germany. He likes the F-4 very much, as he was living near an airfield base in earlier times. He wants me to build exactly this aircraft before it has gone to a museum-hangar. It was a big challenge, ´cause finding the right colours was very difficult. As he wants the aircraft very clean, I did not applied any pre- or after-shading (only a smooth wash). At the end there was a big and beautiful Phantom and it was worth every single effort - Phabulous Phantoms forever!
A sparkling build, Christian.
Very nice, Christian, I'm sure your German customer is very happy.
Phantastic Phantom.
Great job! What colors did you use?
What a great start with your F-4F in 32nd scale, the quality and the different schemes to look forward too. You did an excellent job with this tough old bird Christian, If this is the original 32nd scale Revell Phantom, you did very well. I bet it took longer to apply all that stenciling than it took to build it almost. Thanks for sharing.
Great looking build, Christian...and my favorite as well. And as Chuck mentioned, it appears you used ALL the stenciling on the sheet...nice!.
Good looking model Christian.
thanks again for your motivating words my friends!
Its the original Revell-kit, but in the kit there is olny available the test-flight-version. So we had to use decals from Aerdoc, which are of very good quality. And yes, I used all the stencils
Aerdoc was so nice and put some stencils in groups together, so it was less effort. But on the other hand I was fighting against some silvering, this was also the reason why I had to remove all the paint on this kit and paint it for a second time (!).
I used Revell Aqua Color, underside is silver with a little grey, topside is Revell 179 grey-blue with 346 Nato-Olive.
Excellent build! And I know what you mean about the AirDoc decals - see my recent post...
that is wonderful...the F4 looks so German...i'll bet the "paperclips" had something to do with it
Thank you Greg and Bob!
Yes, the issue with the AirDoc decals was serious - I had to re-buy the whole kit + decals...as it was a build for a collector it should be almost "perfect"...I was very happy when it worked at the second time.
Cheers, Christian
Stunning clean build. The cockpit looks great! It looks like the decals were no easy job, there must be hundreds.
That's a neat one Christian!
That is my next project on the bench, which is about to start in September.
Will be either:
JaBoG 35 38+54
Pferdsfeld 'Schinderhannes'
JG 74 Mölders 38+20
Thanks Emre, looking forward to yours with interest! Cheers, Christian
Thanks again Richard, P.K and Emre!