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Gary Brantley
44 articles

Monogram 1/48 Grumman F6-F Hellcat

December 4, 2016 · in Aviation · · 18 · 2.8K

Well, this is a first on two counts. It's the very first pics taken of this ancient model, and it's the first set of pics I've posted that weren't taken at an airport! Bob Mack said he'd like to see the pics of my , so I took her out of the dark corner of the display cabinet and placed her on my Harbor Freight workbench top for some quick pics.

It was built around the spring of 1990. I distinctly recall working on it in my grandmother's old house where we were temporarily living. It was the third model I finished after my "return" to scale models in the late 1980s. It "features" my crude attempt at scratch-building oleo scissors and some rudimentary cockpit and wheel well details. That was the result of reading my first issues of Finescale Modeler magazine. 😉 The kit itself is very basic and belies its ancient origins. It is quite crude compared to any recent versions and show how far our hobby has come. And hopefully, how I myself might've improved my modeling skills.:) A few years ago, this model suffered an accident while in the cabinet. The port wing was knocked off and I just couldn't get her back in correct position without losing my cool so I left it as seen here.

A trip to the airport may still be in the future for this old warbird. That setting might produce better pics but there's only so much to be done for this one I'm afraid. That said, here she is, from the really early days of Brantley Model Werken, my Monogram Hellcat. Thanks for looking!

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18 responses

  1. Thats a very nice Hellcat, Gary ! And its good to see that the kit is still in a good condition.
    Monograms F6F was also one of my first attempts to build better models, after all it wasn t really a success and its long gone.

  2. Nice rendition. Is it Grumman week?! Seems we've had several of them recently. Great!

  3. Very well done, Gary. Love those vintage Monogram kits.

  4. Stood the test of time well...Monogram kits back in the day were the bee's knees (they're still pretty good for the money if ya ask me). Nice job.

  5. I remember building this one as a kid... (Had hours of fun pretending to be a fighter pilot in it after the construction was completed). The cool factor was way off the chart. I mean it had bombs, rockets, machine guns, a prop that would spin as wind went past it, retractable landing gear AND arrestor hook, Plus you could fold the wings...

    Nice job, and thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  6. I'm with Craig. Except for the "working features", the shape ain't bad. No wheelwells or cockpit, but it's easier to add than to subtract bad detail.
    It looks good when its done, and it's the first good Hellcat in 48th.
    Looks good to me, Gary. Another success from Das Garywerken, GMBD or whatever.

  7. Thank you gentlemen. I appreciate your kind comments! Models have come a long way in 30 years and one only has to recall these old classics to see how much more it has become.

    I've always thought of this Hellcat as a sort of "place-keeper" in my collection. It demonstrates the type well enough but I would love to add a more modern Hellcat to the cabinet someday too. I feel the same about my Monogram F-16A. While it looks like an F-16, there are so many better ways to fly now!
    Thanks again my friends for your support and encouragement too.

  8. Nice job on a classic!

  9. I forgot that Fulimi had a 48th(?) Hellcat, which I never see built, or even mentioned. Anybody ever see or build one? I suspect it had some "issues".

  10. It seems to have survived the display cabinet accident and still looks good on your worktop, thanks for sharing it.

  11. Thanks Robert and George, nice of you to comment on this old 'bird. Models have sure improved since this one was released (even if very few actually have retractable landing gear now! 🙂 ) and I think maybe I've improved somewhat as well , heh heh. I allow myself that conceit until the next time I do something really dumb. I can count on that! 🙂

    I wish someone would post pics of the Fujimi Hellcat Bernard. We would have a full spectrum of 'Cats to compare then. Thanks for sharing that!

  12. She wears her age well! I look at my display cabinet as a timeline of my modeling skill - we all get better as we go, and no reason to be timid about our earlier work!

  13. Thanks Greg! You are absolutely right, that's a great perspective about a timeline of our work. 🙂

  14. great job on the old beast

  15. Thank ya bob! I'm glad you like it, and that you inspired me to get it out for some pics! Here's to you sir! 🙂

  16. Brings back some good memories, and if any consolation at all, it looks better than mine at that juncture.

  17. Admit it, any of us who have built models for the last 30 years or more, has at least done one of these. Of course, non are probably as nice as this !.
    Nice work here Gary. really goes to show you don't have to spend a lot, to get a nice looking model. Well done !

  18. Oh man, Bryan and Terry, thanks for those comments! What a great way to start my day, I'm glad to hear that. I appreciate it a lot.

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