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My old model A6M-5 Zero Tamiya 1/32
Painting Model Master
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Excellent build, I like the engine-details and chipping-effects very much!
Another fine example of Tamiya's quality...I did one of these when they first came out (whenever that was) and couldn't get over what detail there is. An excellent rendition of the venerable Zeke, Artur.
Nice touch on the weathering...nicely done model as well.
I really like all of the details dealing with the engine and firewall area. It looks great !
Probably eveyone's default treatment of this subject, and as others have noted, a superb model in itself.
Very nice!
Excellent build of a classic kit.
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Excellent build, I like the engine-details and chipping-effects very much!
Another fine example of Tamiya's quality...I did one of these when they first came out (whenever that was) and couldn't get over what detail there is. An excellent rendition of the venerable Zeke, Artur.
Nice touch on the weathering...nicely done model as well.
I really like all of the details dealing with the engine and firewall area. It looks great !
Probably eveyone's default treatment of this subject, and as others have noted, a superb model in itself.
Very nice!
Excellent build of a classic kit.